Bulletin Évangiles synoptiques et Actes (110/2 – 2022)

par Marc RASTOIN

Avril-Juin 2022 - tome 110/2

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Liste des ouvrages recensés dans le Bulletin :

 I. Actes – Milieu du Nouveau Testament

  1. COOK John Granger, Empty tomb, resurrection, apotheosis, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2018, 710 p.
  2. AL-SUADI Soham, SMIT Peter-Ben (Éds.), Handbook to early Christian meals in the Greco-Roman world, T&T Clark, London, 2019, 416 p.
  3. PAUL André, Le Christ avant Jésus – Un paradoxe validé par l’histoire, Éd. du Cerf, Paris, 2021, 205 p.
  4. MURRAY Timothy J., Restricted generosity in the New Testament, WUNT 2. 480, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2018, 275 p.
  5. MARGUERAT Daniel, L’historien de Dieu. Luc et les Actes des apôtres, Genève, Labor et Fides/Bayard, Genève, 2018, 440 p.
  6. JOSEPH Simon J., The Nonviolent Messiah: Jesus, Q, and the Enochic Tradition, Fortress, Minneapolis, 2014, 240 p.
  7. JOSEPH Simon J., Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian origins : new light on ancient texts and communities, Baylor UP, Waco, 2018, 240 p.
  8. AKAGI Kai, Proclaiming the judge of the living and the dead : the Christological significance of judgement in Acts 10 and 17, WUNT 2. 494, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, 200 p.
  9. GRAY Patrick (Éd.), The Cambridge Companion to the New Testament, CUP, Cambridge, 2021, 450 p.
  10. KEENER Craig S., Acts, CUP, Cambridge, 2020, 450 p.
  11. FAURE Patrick, Les Actes des Apôtres : texte occidental reconstitué, EtB NS 79, Peeters, Leuven, 2019, 590 p.
  12. AUS Roger David (Éd.), Haggadah in Early Judaism and the New Testament, WUNT 461, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2021, 430 p.
  13. WHITAKER Max, Is Jesus Athene or Odysseus? Investigating the unrecognisability and metamorphosis of Jesus in his post-resurrection appearances, WUNT 2. 500, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, 300 p.
  14. ATKINS J. D., The doubt of the Apostles and the resurrection faith of the Early Church : the post-resurrection appearance stories of the Gospels in ancient reception and modern debate, WUNT 2. 495, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, 560 p.
  15. CORNILLON Jonathan, Tout en commun ? La vie économique de Jésus et des premières générations chrétiennes, Patrimoines, Éd. du Cerf, Paris, 2020, 770 p.
  16. WHITE Aaron W., The Prophets Agree. The Function of the Book of the Twelve Prophets in Acts, BIS 184, Brill, Leiden, 2020, 220 p.
  17. EDELMANN Jens-Arne, Das Römische Imperium im Lukanischen Doppelwerk : Darstellung und Ertragspotenzial für christliche Leser des späten ersten Jahrhunderts, WUNT 2. 547, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2021, 290 p.
  18. GOURGUES Michel, « Plus tard tu comprendras » : la formation du Nouveau Testament comme témoin de maturations croyantes, Éd. du Cerf/Médiaspaul, Paris/Montréal, 2019, 185 p.
  19. FRICKER Denis et SIFFER Nathalie (Éds.), La figure biblique du juste et ses enjeux théologiques dans le Nouveau Testament, Peeters, Leuven, 2020, 125 p.

 II. Synoptiques

  1. MORRIS Michael J., Warding off evil, apotropaic tradition in the Dead Sea scrolls and Synoptic Gospels, WUNT 2. 451, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2017, 265 p.
  2. GOSBELL Louise A., “The poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame », physical and sensory disability in the Gospels of the New Testament, WUNT 2. 469, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2018, 400 p.
  3. SICRE José Luis, Satana contro gli Evangelisti, un dibattito in cielo, Dehoniane, Bologna, 2017, 230 p. [en français, Satan accuse. Le procès des évangélistes, Fidélité, Namur, 2017, 340 p.]
  4. ASIKAINEN Susanna, Jesus and other men: ideal masculinities in the Synoptic Gospels, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2018, 187 p.
  5. ALETTI Jean-Noël, Le Messie souffrant. Un défi pour Matthieu, Marc et Luc, Lessius, Bruxelles, 2019, 180 p.
  6. WOODINGTON J. David, The dubious disciples : doubt and disbelief in the post-Resurrection scenes of the four Gospels, BZNW 241, de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2020, 220 p.
  7. TIWALD Markus, The sayings source : a commentary on Q, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2020, 235 p. (cf. RSR 107/2 [2019], n°17, p. 357)
  8. HOWES Llewellyn, The formative stratum of the sayings Gospel Q : reconsidering its extent, message and unity, WUNT 2. 545, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2021, 400 p.

III. Marc

  1. CONNOLLY Michele A., Disorderly women and the order of God, an Australian feminist reading of the Gospel of Mark, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2018, 205 p.
  2. LYONS-PARDUE Kara, Gospel women and the long ending of Mark, T&T Clark, London, 2020, 200 p.
  3. SEIFERT Andreas, Der Markusschluss: Narratologie und Traditionsgeschichte, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2019, 310 p.
  4. ZWIEP Arie W., Jairus’s daughter and the haemorrhaging woman : tradition and interpretation of an early Christian miracle story, WUNT 421, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, 450 p.
  5. LAU Markus, Der gekreuzigte Triumphator: Eine motivkritische Studie zum Markusevangelium, NTOA/StUNT 114, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2019, 680 p.
  6. D’ HAMONVILLE David-Marc, Marc, l’histoire d’un choc, Éd. du Cerf, Paris, 2019, 400 p.
  7. PÉREZ I DÍAZ Mar, Mark, a Pauline Theologian. A Re-reading of the Traditions of Jesus in the Light of Paul’s Theology, WUNT 2. 521, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2020, 300 p.
  8. SLOAN Paul, Mark 13 and the return of the shepherd: the narrative logic of Zechariah in Mark, LNTS 604, T&T Clark, London, 2019, 230 p.

IV. Matthieu

  1. ZACHARIAS H. Daniel, Matthew’s presentation of the Son of David : Davidic tradition and typology in the gospel of Matthew, Bloomsbury, London/New York, 2018, 240 p.
  2. SALDARINI Anthony, La communauté judéo-chrétienne de Matthieu, Éd. du Cerf, Paris, 2019, 440 p.
  3. SEYS Philippe, Le signe de Jonas en Mt 12,39 et 16,4. L’éveil de l’herméneutique du disciple, Lethielleux, Paris, 2019, 610 p.
  4. BERGHORN Matthias, Die Genesis Jesu Christi aber war so… : die Herkunft Jesu Christi nach dem matthäischen Prolog (Mt 1,1-4,16), BBB 187, V&R unipress, Göttingen, 2019, 285 p.
  5. BAASLAND Ernst, Radical Philosophy of Life. Studies on the Sermon on the Mount, WUNT 454, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2020, 660 p.
  6. GRAZIANO Francesco, La composizione letteraria del Vangelo di Matteo, Peeters, Leuven, 2020, 380 p.
  7. CARRIER Brian, Earthquakes and eschatology in the Gospel according to Matthew, WUNT 2. 534, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2020, 260 p.

V. Luc

  1. LANIER Gregory R., Old Testament conceptual metaphors and the Christology of Luke’s Gospel, LNTS 591, T&T Clark, London, 2018, 230 p.
  2. CHRISTOPHER Dany, The appropriation of Passover in Luke-Acts, WUNT 2. 476, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2018, 250 p.
  3. ADRIAN Matthias, Mutuum date nihil desperantes (Lk 6,35) : Reziprozität bei Lukas, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2019, 390 p.
  4. SCOLLO Giuseppe G., The Strength Needed to Enter the Kingdom of God. An Exegetical and Theological Study of Luke 16,16 in context, WUNT 2. 485, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, 420 p.
  5. LINDEMAN ALLEN Amy, For theirs is the kingdom: inclusion and participation of children in the Gospel according to Luke, Fortress Academic, Lanham/NY, 2019, 280 p.
  6. COWAN J. Andrew, The writings of Luke and the Jewish roots of the Christian way: an examination of the aims of the first Christian historian in the light of ancient politics, ethnography, and historiography, T&T Clark, London, 2019, 230 p.
  7. BREDENHOF Reuben, Failure and prospect : Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31) in the context of Luke-Acts, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, London/ New York, 2019, 260 p.
  8. CRISLER Channing L., Echoes of Lament and the Christology of Luke, Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield, 2020, 330 p.
  9. NEYREY Jerome H., An encomium for Jesus: Luke, rhetoric, and the story of Jesus, Sheffield Phoenix Press, Sheffield, 2020, 230 p.

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