Bulletin M. Rastoin 101/3 – 2013 – liste ouvrages recensés

Evangiles synoptiques et Actes

par Marc RASTOIN

juillet-septembre 2013 - tome 101/3

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I – Actes – Milieu du Nouveau Testament (1-8)
II – Synoptiques (9-16)
III – Marc (17-26)
IV – Matthieu (27-32)
V – Luc (33-39)               

  I.   Actes – milieu du Nouveau Testament

                     1. Keener Craig S., Acts: An Exegetical Commentary : Introduction and 1:1-2:47, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, 2012, 1038 p.

      2. Butticaz Simon David, L’identité de l’Église dans les Actes des Apôtres : de la restauration d’Israël à la conquête universelle, BZNW 174, De Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 2011, 556 p.

3. Dionne Christian, L’Évangile aux juifs et aux païens. Le premier voyage missionnaire de Paul (Actes 13–14), « Lectio divina 247 », Cerf, Paris, 2011, 380 p.

4. Walton Steve, Thomas E. Philips, Lloyd K. Pietersen (éd.), Reading Acts Today. Essays in honour of Loveday C. A. Alexander, T & T Clark, London/New York, 2011 232 p.

5. Kuecker Aaron, The Spirit and the “Other”. Social Identity, Ethnicity and Intergroup Reconciliation in Luke-Acts, LNTS 444, T&T Clark, London/New York, 2011, 277 p.

6. Dunn James D. G., Jesus Remembered II. Beginning from Jerusalem, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 2009, 1347 p.

7. Zwiep Arie W., Christ, the Spirit and the community of God, essays on the Acts of the Apostles, WUNT II. 293, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2010, 237 p.

8. Levine Amy-Jill et Brettler M. Z. (éd.), The Jewish Annotated New Testament, OUP, New York, 2011, 700 p.

II.                   Synoptiques

            9. Foster P., Gregory A., Kloppenborg J. S. et Verheyden J. (éd.), New Studies in the Synoptic Problem (Oxford conference, April 2008). Essays in honour of Christopher M. Tuckett, BETL 239, Walpole/Peeters, Leuven/Paris, 2011, 961 p.

10. Hurtado Larry W., Owen Paul L. (éd.), Who is this Son of Man ? The latest Scholarship on a Puzzling Expression of the Historical Jesus, LNTS 390, T & T Clark, London/New York, 2011, 208 p.

11. Boyarin Daniel, The Jewish Gospels. The Story of the Jewish Christ, New Press, New York, 2012, 190 p.

12. McIver Robert K., Memory, Jesus, and the Synoptic Gospels, SBL.RBS 59, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2011, 241 p.

13. Bird Michael F., Willitts Joel, (éd.), Paul and the Gospels. Christologies, Conflicts and Convergences, LNTS 411, T&T Clark, London/New York, 2011, 290 p.

14. Baltes Guido, Hebräisches Evangelium und synoptische Überlieferung. Untersuchungen zum hebräischen Hintergrund der Evangelien, WUNT.2 312, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen,2011, 711 p.

15. Klumbies Paul-Gerhard, Von der Hinrichtung zur Himmelfahrt. Der Schluss der Jesuserzählung nach Markus und Lukas, BThSt 114, Neukirchener Theologie, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2010, 236 p.

16. Barbaglia Silvio, Il digiuno di Gesù all’ultima cena. Confronto con le tesi di J. Ratzinger e di J. Meier, Cittadella, Assisi, 2011, 111 p.

III.                   Marc


            17. Marcus Joël, Mark 8-16, ABC 17B, Yale UP, New Haven, 2009, 1182 p.

18. Betsworth Sharon, The Reign of God is Such as These : a Socio-Literary Analysis of Daughters in the Gospel of Mark, LNTS 422, T and T Clark, London/New York, 2010, 164 p.

19. Wilkinson Duran Nicole, Okure Teresa, Patte Daniel (éd.), Mark, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2011, 237 p.

20. Iverson Kelly R., Skinner Christopher W., (éd.), Mark as Story. Retrospect and Prospect, SBL RBS 65, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2011, 322 p.

21. Becker Eve-Marie, Runesson Anders (éd.), Mark and Matthew I. Comparative Readings: Understanding the Earliest Gospels in their First-Century Settings, WUNT.1 271, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2011, 491 p.

22. Perego Giacomo, Vangelo secondo Marco, Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo, 2011, 364 p.

23. Rochester Stuart T., Good News at Gerasa : transformative discourse and theological anthropology in Mark’s Gospel, Peter Lang, Oxford, 2011, 349 p.

24. Compiani Maurizio, Fuga, Silenzio e Paura. La Conclusione del Vangelo di Mc: Studio di Mc 16,1-20, TG 182, Ed. Pont. Univ. Greg., Rome, 2011, 246 p.

25. Cazeaux Jacques, Marc. Le lion du désert. Essai, « Lectio divina 252 », Cerf, Paris, 2012, 351 p.

26. Edwards J. Christopher, The Ransom Logion in Mark and Matthew : its Reception and its Significance for the Study of the Gospels, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2012, 190 p.

IV.                   Matthieu


27. Senior Donald (éd.), The Gospel of Matthew at the crossroads of early christianity (BETL 243), Leuven University Press/Peeters, Leuven, , 2011, 781 p.

28. Arnold Matthieu, Dahan Gilbert et Noblesse-Rocher Annie (éd.), La parabole des talents (Matthieu 25,14-30), « Lectio divinia 242 », Cerf, Paris, 2011, 142 p.

29. Walck Leslie W., The Son of Man in the parables of Enoch and in Matthew, T & T Clark, London/New York, 2011, 267 p.

30. Hood Jason B., The Messiah, His Brothers, and the Nations. Matthew 1.1-17, LNTS 441, T&T Clark, London/New York, 2011, 208 p.

31. Bornkamm Günther, Studien zum Matthäus-Evangelium, WMANT 125, Neukirchener Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 2009, 434 p.

32. Baxter Wayne, Israel’s Only Shepherd, Matthew’s Shepherd Motif and His Social Setting, LNTS 457, T & T Clark International, London/New York, 2012, 232 p.

V.                   Luc

             33. Gregory Andrew et Rowe C. Kavin (éd.), Rethinking the Unity and Reception of Luke and Acts, University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, 2010, 226 p.

34. Bottini Giovanni Claudio, Introduzione all’opera di Luca, Franciscan Printing Press, Milan, 2011, 208 p.

35. Holmås Geir Otto, Prayer and vindication in Luke-Acts: the theme of prayer within the context of the legitimating and edifying objective of the Lukan narrative, LNTS 433, T & T Clark, London/New York, 2011, 316 p.

36. Meynet Roland, Prière et filiation. Le témoignage de Luc, Ed. Facultés jésuites de Paris, Paris, 2011, 280 p.

37. Hays Christopher M., Luke’s Wealth Ethics. A Study in Their Coherence and Character, WUNT 2.275, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2010, 347 p.

38. Neumann Nils, Armut und Reichtum, SBS 220, Stuttgart, katholisches Bibelwerk, 2010, 148 p.

39. Nadella Raj, Dialogue not dogma : many voices in the gospel of Luke, LNTS 431, T & T Clark, London/New York, 2011, 148 p.

40. Bøe Sverre, Cross-bearing in Luke, WUNT II 278, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2010, 265 p.

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