Bulletin johanique (112/2 – 2024)


Avril-Juin 2024 - tome 112/2

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Jacques Descreux

David Pastorelli


Les ouvrages recensés dans le présent bulletin sont regroupés en deux chapitres :

I. L’évangile de Jean (1-21)
II. Apocalypse (22-27)

I. L’évangile de Jean (David Pastorelli)

1. BORGEN Peder, Bread From Heaven. An Exegetical Study of the Concept of Manna in the Gospel of John and the Writings of Philo, « The Johannine Monograph Series » 4, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2017 [1965], xlviii + 217 p.
2. CASSIDY Richard J., John’s Gospel in New Perspective. Christology and the Realities of Roman Power, « The Johannine Monograph Series » 3, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2015 [1992], xxix + 138 p.
3. CHARLESWORTH James H., PRUSZINSKI Jolyon G.R. (éds.) The Gospel of John in Historical Inquiry: The Third Princeton-Prague Symposium on Jesus Research, Princeton 2016, « Jewish and Christian Texts in Contexts and Related Studies » 26, T&T Clark, London, 2019, xviii + 371 p.
4. CHARLESWORTH James H., Jesus as Mirrored in John. The Genius in the New Testament, T&T Clark, London, 2019, xxii + 601 p.
5. DAISE Michael A., Quotations in John. Studies on Jewish Scripture in the Fourth Gospel, LNTS 610, Bloomsbury, London, 2020, xiv + 248 p.
6. FREY Jörg, Theology and History in the Fourth Gospel. Tradition and Narration, Baylor University Press, Waco, 2018, xiii + 241 p.
7. HUNT Laura J., Jesus Caesar. A Roman Reading of the Johannine Trial Narrative, WUNT 2. 506, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, xv + 417 p.
8. KÄSEMANN Ernst, The Testament of Jesus. A Study of the Gospel of John in the Light of Chapter 17, « The Johannine Monograph Series » 6, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2017 [1968], xlii + 87 p.
9. MARTYN J. Louis, The Gospel of John in Christian History. Seven Glimpses into the Johannine Community (Expanded Edition),  « The Johannine Monograph Series » 8, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2019 [1978], lx + 243 p.
10. MEEKS Wayne, The Prophet-King. Moses Traditions and the Johannine Christology,  « The Johannine Monograph Series » 5, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2017 [1967], xxxv + 358 p.
11. NOVAKOVIC Lidija, John 1–10. A Handbook on the Greek Text, « Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament », Baylor University Press, Waco, 2020, xxvi + 414 p.
12. NOVAKOVIC Lidija, John 11–21. A Handbook on the Greek Text, « Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament », Baylor University Press, Waco, 2020, xxvi + 378 p.
13. O’DAY Gail R., Revelation in the Fourth Gospel: And Eight Johannine Essays, « The Johannine Monograph Series » 9, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2021 [1986], l + 279 p.
14. REYNOLDS Benjamin E., BOCCACCINI Gabriele (éds.), Reading the Gospel of John’s Christology as Jewish Messianism. Royal, Prophetic, and Divine Messiahs, AJEC/AGJU 106, Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2018, xix + 489 p.
15. RILEY Paul C.J., The Lord of the Gospel of John. Narrative Theory, Textual Criticism, and the Semantics of Kyrios, WUNT 2. 478, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, xii + 223 p.
16. SHERIDAN Ruth, The Figure of Abraham in John 8. Text and Intertext, LNTS 619, Bloomsbury, London, 2020, xv + 452 p.
17. SIMOENS Yves, Croire en Jésus selon Jean. Redécouvrir la foi de l’Évangile, Salvator, Paris, 2021, 208 p.
18. SMITH Dwight Moody, The Composition and Order of the Fourth Gospel. Bultmann’s Literary Theory, « The Johannine Monograph Series » 2, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2015 [1965], xlii + 272 p.
19. SYREENI Kari, Becoming John. The Making of a Passion Gospel, LNTS 590, Bloomsbury, London, 2019, xi + 231 p.
20. TRIPP Jeffrey M., Direct Internal Quotation in the Gospel of John, WUNT 2. 493, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2019, xii + 323 p.
21. WEAD David W., The Literary Devices in John’s Gospel. Revised and Expanded Edition, « The Johannine Monograph Series » 7, Wipf and Stock, Eugene, 2018 [1970], xxxiv + 138 p.

II. L’Apocalypse (Jacques Descreux)

22. KOESTER Craig R. (éd.), The Oxford Handbook of the Book of Revelation, « Oxford Handbook », OUP, New York, 2020, xxi + 525 p.
23. DOCHERTY Susan E., SMITH Steve (éds.), The Scriptures in the Book of Revelation and Apocalyptic Literature. Essays in Honour of Steve Moyise, LNTS 634, T&T Clark, London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney, 2023, xiii + 256 p.
24. GARCÍA UREÑA Lourdes, Narrative and Dram in the Book of Revelation. A Literary Approach, SNTS MS 175, CUP, Cambridge, 2019, xviii + 218 p.
25. ROTHMAN Joel M., The Cosmic Journey in the Book of revelation. Apocalyptic Cosmology and the Experience of Story-Space, LNTS 683, T&T Clark, London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney, 2023, xi + 186 p.
26. GULAKER Cato, Satan, the Heavenly Adversary of Man. A Narrative Analysis of the Function of Satan in the Book of Revelation, LNTS 638, T&T Clark, London/New York/Oxford/New Delhi/Sydney, 2021, xi + 255 p.
27. BREU Clarissa, Autorschaft in der Johannesoffenbarung. Eine Postmoderne Lektüre, WUNT 2. 541, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2020, xiv + 476 p.

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